Available for all UO students, we offer free tutoring services in Math, Writing, Language, and Sciences.

Writing support is free and available to students at any stage in the writing process and across all academic disciplines. At least 50% of members must be present for group project feedback (not available through OWL).
We are not able to provide feedback on: essay exams or take-home exams (unless approved by the instructor through the exam’s written instructions) and graduate prospectuses, theses, or dissertations.
Peer Writing Tutoring
Writing tutoring appointments are available through Navigate. Once booked, you will receive a confirmation email and a Zoom link if you booked a virtual appointment.Check in for your in-person appointment in Knight Library by swiping your UO ID at the kiosk. Each appointment is scheduled for 30 minutes with a peer tutor.
Knight Library, 4th Floor
Appointments available:
Monday-Thursday 10am – 8pm
Fridays 10am – 4pm
Sundays 2pm – 8pm
To schedule:
- Log in to Navigate with your Duck ID
- Click “Schedule an Appointment” blue button
- Choose “Tutoring and Academic Support”
- Choose “Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center (Knight Library)”
- Select “Writing Tutoring”
- Choose the day/time that fits your schedule. Sign in at the information desk upon arrival and you will be directed to the tutors.
Sign in at the information desk upon arrival for your appointment.
Schedule your Appointment!
Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Submit your writing to the Online Writing Lab (OWL) to receive holistic feedback via email from one of our peer tutors within 48 hours. The OWL is closed on weekends; work submitted after noon on Friday may not be assigned to a tutor until Monday.
We cannot respond to submissions due in less than 48 hours.

FREE drop-in tutoring is available for students enrolled in many UO math courses including 101, 105-107, 111-112, 241-242, 243, 251-253.
Math 101
Knight Library, 4th Floor
Monday-Thursday 10am – 8pm
Fridays 10am-4pm
Sundays 2pm-8pm
The Hub (LLC North 123)
Sunday – Thursday 4pm – 8pm
Consider joining a Class Encore peer-led study group for
Math 101
Math 105-107
Free, drop-in tutoring is available on the 4th floor, Knight Library.
Sign in at the info desk and you’ll be directed to the teaching assistants.
Math 111-112
Knight Library, 4th Floor
Monday-Thursday 10am – 8pm
Fridays 10am-4pm
Sundays 2pm-8pm
The Hub (LLC North 123)
Sunday – Thursday 4pm – 8pm
Sign in at the information desk and you will be directed tot he tutors.
See Math Reviews for Math 112 review schedule
Math 241-242
Knight Library, 4th Floor
Monday-Thursday 10am – 8pm
Fridays 10am-4pm
Sundays 2pm-8pm
The Hub (LLC North 123)
Sunday – Thursday 4pm – 8pm
Sign in at the information desk and you will be directed tot he tutors.
Consider joining a Class Encore peer-led study group for
Math 241
Math 251-253
Knight Library, 4th Floor
Monday-Thursday 10am – 8pm
Fridays 10am-4pm
Sundays 2pm-8pm
The Hub (LLC North 123)
Sunday – Thursday 4pm – 8pm
Sign in at the information desk and you will be directed to the tutors.
See Math Reviews for Math 251 review schedule
Math Reviews
Math 112, 252
4th floor Knight Library
Sundays 12pm-1:30pm
Jan. 26, Feb. 9, 23, Mar. 9
Math Appointments
Free, 30-minute in-person or remote appointments are available through Navigate for Math 101, 111, 112, 211, 212, 213, 231, 232, 241, 242, 246, 247, 251, 252 and 253. Once booked, you will receive a confirmation email for your scheduled session.
- Log in to Navigate with your Duck ID
- Click “Schedule an Appointment” blue button
- Choose “Tutoring and Academic Support”
- Select the course you need help in (Math 101, 111, 112, 211, 212, 213, 231, 232,241, 242, 246, 247, 251, 252, 253)
- Choose the day/time that fits your schedule.
Sign in at the information desk upon arrival for your appointment.
Free, drop-in tutoring is available on the 4th floor, Knight Library.
Monday-Thursday 4:00pm-6:00pm
Sign in at the information desk and you’ll be directed to the tutors.
Consider joining a peer-led study group for STAT-243z through Class Encore.
Sign up for a Class Encore study group

Consider joining a Class Encore peer-led study group for BI 211, 213, 214
Consider joining a Class Encore peer-led study group for Ch 111, 221, or 223
Consider joining a Class Encore peer-led study group for PHYS 201

Spanish Content/Conversation Tutoring
Free, drop-in tutoring is available for first and second year Spanish. Practice speaking or work on course content one to one with a tutor.
Tuesday 4pm-6pm
Wednesday 5pm-7pm
4th Floor, Knight Library
Sign in at the information desk and you’ll be directed to support.
French Content/Conversation Tutoring
Free, drop-in tutoring is available for first and second year French. Practice speaking or work on course content one to one with a tutor.
Mondays and Wednesdays 4pm-6pm
4th Floor, Knight Library
Sign in at the information desk and you’ll be directed to support.
Other Campus Resources
Click on each module to learn more about other services available to students on campus.
Math Library
Drop-in homework help available to students enrolled in lower-division math classes, aimed at helping work through specific trouble areas.
CMAE Tutoring
CMAE Tutors are available for math, science, and writing support by appointment only. Schedule is availble on their website.
Braddock Tutoring
Braddock Tutoring at the Lundquist College of Business provides tutoring and mentoring to business or pre-business students.
SUPeR Chem
Supervised undergraduate peer learning assistants (PLAs) offer review sessions to fellow students in general chemistry and O-chem. Full schedule is available on Canvas.
Drop-in Physics Help Center
PhD Physic students are available to help all students in undergraduate physics courses. The Drop-in Help Center is located in Price Science Commons B010.
UO Libraries Research Help
Librarians are available to provide research assistance in areas like refining a research topic, finding information, database usage, and other library-related needs.
Statistical Consulting Service
Drop-in help for all students with data, statistical programming, analysis, and visualization in R, Python, SPSS and more.
Yamada Language
The Yamada Language Center supports teaching and learning in a variety of language and interdisciplinary humanities departments.
Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center
1501 Kincaid St
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Office: Knight Library, 4th Floor
P: 541-346-3226