Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center
A Division of Undergraduate Education and Student Success
Program Contact Emails
General questions, tutoring, study skills, and graduate test preparation: engage@uoregon.edu
Questions about Class Encore and Supplemental Instruction: classencore@uoregon.edu
Questions about Peer Academic Coaching: peeracademiccoach@uoregon.edu
Resources for Campus Partners
General Syllabus Statement
Headquartered on the 4th floor of Knight Library, the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center (TAEC) offers free study skills, writing, language, math, and science support for all undergraduates. Services are available by appointment, drop-in, and study group participation. For more information explore TAEC’s website (https://engage.uoregon.edu/) and follow on Instagram @uoengage.
Class Encore Syllabus Statement
Class Encore is a UO program through the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center that offers free study groups for specific courses facilitated by peer Leaders. Leaders have passed the course previously and work to craft opportunities for you to engage with your classmates in activities and problems, helping you hone your study practices and deepen knowledge in the course. Interested? Register here: https://engage.uoregon.edu/class-encore
Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center
1501 Kincaid St
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403
Office: Knight Library, 4th Floor
P: 541-346-3226